After the State of the Union address last night, everyone is talking about how best to spend tax dollars. So it seems appropriate to bring this into the conversation. -- Read more on
A recent experiment illuminates the puzzle of why female spiders sometimes eat males instead of mating with them -- Read more on
Few species recoveries have ever been as dramatic as that of the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber). Once overhunted to near extinction, only 1,200 beavers remained by the year 1900. -- Read more on
By doggedly tracking California sea otters, marine biologists learn that sea otters often face bigger challenges than human pollution -- Read more on
A few people seem unhappy with my previous post in which I made the contention that falsification as a philosophy is much less relevant to chemistry than to physics, especially when chemists make... -- Read more on
By doggedly tracking California sea otters, marine biologists learn that sea otters often face bigger challenges than human pollution -- Read more on
This past year, I made a pilgrimage that every natural history lover should, if possible, make. I visited the Natural History Museum in London, the house that Richard Owen built, the home of... -- Read more on